I am ɾαιɳ

I am not a newbie to the game, but new to the French server. I recently discovered that my family is French/French Canadian so I figured i'd join here to learn the language and in a sense get to my roots! When I am not on the game I'm usually baking, practicing my skills in making layouts, enjoying the crisp fall weather, or playing League of Legends. I don't accept random friend requests but don't mind conversations at all, I am an adult player so please get guardian permission to message me if you are below 18.

I am fascinated by Mangalargas, Mustangs, Crios, and Nokota breeds. For now I'm stacking up resources on my account before making a decision on which breed to start with first. At the moment I am looking for AP hunters for sale for cheap, and put on hold until I have access to reserves.

Currently looking for AP fairies, I'll always return the favor for donating an AP to me with a donatable item of useful value.

Anyone a layout/avatar creator? I could really use some help, message me if you can